Kaki anda cantik tak?

Muka cantik, badan putih gebu,tangan lembut, rambut wangi, gigi hari2 floss and gosok. KAKI jaga x? ye, yg anda gunakan utk berjalan tu. :) hehe

Before this I never really care about taking care of my feet, well, reason nye, sbb kat bwh, xde org nmpk kot. hah! salah, nmpk je sebenarnye, tp xdela org nk tegur "Eh, kaki kau mcm org tua la" or "Your cracked heel is so terrible" kan? kene la pandai2 jaga kebersihan diri, betul x? :)

So back to me. hehe. I x penah kesah whether kulit kaki kering ke ade cracked heel ke, hard skin ke. But one day masa pegi umh org (kenduri kawen kot). Kan kene duduk bersila kan dlm umh. Masa tu la baru sedar yg kaki ni sbnrnye dh horror. huhuhu malunye, try cover ngn kain baju kurung so org x nmpk.. huhu but ni citer dulu la, a few months ago. So now, to me, pentingnye jaga kaki so that kaki sentiasa cantik, bersih and lembut. hehe. :)

Masa mule2 discover cracked heel mmg sgt teruk, I tried Scholl's Cracked Heel Cream. Scholl is a well known brand for foot care. Seriously, pakai dlm 4 or 5 days, cracked heel dh ilang. Yeay!  But have to use it everyday tau. Jgn skip. Lepas dh hilang cracked heel tu, stop using it, coz cream ni utk hilangkan cracked heel je. As soon as skin returns to normal, berhenti gune, ok? ;) I x igt price brp but roughly between RM15 - RM19.

Scholl - Cracked Heel Cream

Then lepas cracked heel dh elok, u must gune product to ensure cracked heel x jadi lagi. So I survey the product utk foot care. I bought Scholl's Rough Skin Remover as it instantly removes rough and hard skin, activates cell renewal and reveals soft and smooth skin. Bare in mind that kaki tu byk daki, u pakai kasut berpeluh, and pijak macam2 lagi kan? jadi penting utk scrub at least 2 times a week utk buang dead skin cell. Awal2 dulu rajinla nk buat twice a week, lama2 jd kurang rajin cket. hehe so I buat seminggu sekali, tp kalau rajin 2 kali la. :P Anyway, this product ada natural pumice & fruit AHA's. It smells mcm buah, wangi! and texture dia mcm facial scrub, tp the stones besar cket la, yela, kata nak sental kaki kan? hehe make sure ur feet kering, then sental la ikot lama mana nk sental. :D lepas dh scrub, basuh ngn air. Then lap kering2. Lepas basuh ni kaki rasa kesat cket. normal. Oh ya, the price I x ingat, but maybe around RM17 - RM22. Rasanye la, hehe. g tgk kat pharmacy eh! :)

Scholl - Rough Skin Remover

Lepas dh scrub, kenela pakai cream utk kaki. Nk bagi lembut and wangi. hehe I'm using The Body Shop's Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue. Masa beli ni mmg beriya la, sbb rasa kaki ni mmg kene rescue pun! haha drama queen! :P This cream contains cocoa butter, peppermint oil and grape acids that soften hard skin and help prevent dry cracked heels. YES, itu yg kita mau! :) and of course, bau peppermint la!! wangi sgt, I love it! Ni pun pakai 2 times a week, after dah scrub kaki tu. Selalunye I scrub before tdo (mase gosok gigi la) then before tdo, sapu cream kt kaki pastu ZZZzzzzzzzz.. hehe :D This Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue is priced at RM49. Sgt worth it! Tapi do check out The Body Shop's outlet, sbb kadang2 diorg ade promotion (Peppermint Foot Scrub + Pumice stone + Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue + Peppermint Foot Spray). Not sure about the price, but definitely cheaper. I've tried the foot scrub before, but I don't think it's effective enuff.

* I just surfed the website and it is RM39 only. Go and grab it now! :) (Aug 6th, 2010)

The Body Shop - Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue

The Body Shop - Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue

The Body Shop - Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue
Inside the tub. Pale pink. Wangi! :)

Sebenarnya kalau nk buat ape2 pun, yg penting kene rajin and kene disiplin kan diri. Cakap mmg senang, eh, mmg senang. Tapi kadang2 kite ni baru betul2 usaha sbb bende dh jadi, btul x? like me, dh horror betul baru nk cari solution. But it's never too late to do anything. So start now darlings!

Jadi, anda dah jenguk kaki anda yg kat bwh tu? Cantik ke x?  ;)

p/s : Kuku jgn lupe potong ye! :)



  1. Wah..entry yg bagus ! me like !

    ~ Azura Al Jeff

  2. hehe thanx darling. from now on akan byk post about beauty and health! :)

  3. me like..;) nnt post pasal kuku tangan plak yer..

    ~Azura Al Jeff



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