how do u feel bile jumpe kawan2 yg dah lama x jumpa? mesti seronok, kan? rasa mcm x sabar & rasa nk lompat2 (eh btul ke? :P) hehe tp yg penting mmg excited. Yela, sbb dah lama tak jumpe, and dah lama sgt x gossip2. :D
December 1st ari tu, I had a dinner date with my darling Bai. She's living in KK,Sabah, and she was in town for about 10 days. She will be in KL every year end, so it's a great opportunity for me to see her and catch up. :)
So we decided to meet up at Pavilion. Oh my, I havent seen this girl for about a year. The moment I saw her, I hugged her so tightly!! rindu! :) Back then in UiTM Melaka, she was my classmate and also, we were staying in the same block, Blok Gemilang (blok terbaik kot! :D). I selalu lepak2 in her room, and also she was my kawan when going to classes, and also my kawan when balik from classes, and singgah cafe lame (for the yummmeehhh coconut or neslo shake) + singgah koop for the nasi lemak ikan masin. uuhhh sedappp kot! :)
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
Always appreciated people around me, xcept people who rude & pushy. Memang pangkah! Rasa macam nak smack down jer... (dalam hati kehkehkeh)
kak yanie
ahahaha smack down je kak yanie... biar kene sebijik. :D