The photos below was taken a few weeks back. Kak Ngah + Abg Syamsul and Kak Yanie pegi Ipoh sbb ade kerja. And they took the opportunity to go to Memory Lane or also known as Loken Ipoh. Loken Ipoh ni tmpt jual brg2 lama and antik. kepada peminat brg2 lama ni, mmg menangis la korg tgk. huhu Kampung saya mmg kat Ipoh, kat Sg. Rokam tu ha, tp sedihnye, sekali pun x penah pegi. huhu.T___T
Memory lane ni bukak dr 730pagi - 1.00tgh on SUNDAY only ye. so kalau nak pegi, sila bgn awal and bwk duit byk sikit. :P sbb bile dh sampai sane, ade bende yg korg nak, tp x cukup duit, x ke sedih? hehe ingat, barang ni brg lame tau, so susah la kot nk cari yg lain.
Kak Ngah beli luggage bag yg sgt cool and ade jugak tin biscuits. owh, tgk yg tu pun bole jd geram! hehe mase hari yg Kak Ngah bawak hasil tangkapan dia kt Loken tu, I went to work wearing a Vintage dress. What a coincidence kan? So QD, one of the designer kt ofis, took several pictures of the luggage with *ehem ehem* yours truly. :P muahahhaha i love vintage dress!! :)
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
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