I was with Sha & Kak Cin today at Mid Valley/Gardens. I haven't seen them in about 3 weeks, that means lotsa things to catchup. We had our lunch at Sushi King. Then masuk segala kedai yg ada sampai ada org tu sakit kaki. tula, nk vogue sgt. :D ahaha then Chatime setelah semua dh kehausan dan kepenatan. We talked about soooooooo many things. terlalu byk that I could not even recall, tp yg pasti, this might be the last time we hangout together like this in KL. sob sob.. :(
Well Sha is getting married next month (March 3rd) and she'll be staying in UK for good. I'm so happy for her and Rik. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. :) But it just made me realize that I wont be seeing her. So u must know that I talk to her about everything. Can u just imagine the thought of not seeing her, chatting with her via YM, our meet up at Chawan/Nirwana, karaoke session, and soooo many thingssss?? :( Ya, I'm emotional like that. Drama queen. I just couldnt stop thinking about it. Oh sedih coz she'll be living so far away, but soooo happy that she found her Mr. Right! That is more important. :)
Ahahaha ok2, Sha pun mesti geli2 je baca ni, sbb dia ni hati kental. But i know u love me and gonna miss me also kan?? hahahaha :D
And Kak Cin, don't u go back to Jakarta for good pulak. tu nanti jadi lain cerita... :P
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
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