Assalamualaikum and hello lovelies!
Two weeks ago I was invited to attend Cosmoderm Appreciation Dinner and at the same time to get to know Cosmoderm new ambassador for their Tea Tree Oil Range 2014, Amri Yahyah, a Malaysia footballer. The dinner was held at Hotel Royal, next to Lot 10. Let me tell you this, it was quite an adventure for Syafiqah, Sabrina and I to search for this hotel. It was kind of chaotic and funny at the same time! :D Anyway the theme for the night was Hollywood Glamour, or something like that. Everyone who came was dressed glamorously, but me myself only wore a simple peplum top and a pair of black pants because I had an event earlier and I don't like feel like changing. :P
Cosmoderm is a halal brand by Vanity Cosmeceutical Sdn Bhd that produces halal skincare and bodycare products. Cosmoderm has been in the market since 2001 and they received their halal certification in 2005 and has renewed their halal certification in 2012. I've heard about Cosmoderm before but I never tried any of their products. I heard good things about Cosmoderm Make up Remover, maybe I should try that one next. ;)
Cosmoderm has a variety of skincare and bodycare range such as :
Gentle Series
Tea Tree Oil Series
Vitamin E Series
Sunscreen Series
Variety of Shower gels
Feminine Hygiene Wash
Independent Pharmacy
Retail Agents
The night started off with a speech from the CEO herself, Puan Mawarni bt. Hassan, dedicating the night is for the wonderful people who has been supporting Cosmoderm since the beginning. It feels great to know a woman is behind this company, I couldn't be more proud. :) The highlights for the night is to appreciate all of their frontliners who are their customers, sponsors, dealers, agents and also Cosmoderm's partners. It is also to introduce Cosmoderm's spokesperson for Tea Tree Oil Range in 2014, Amri Yahyah .
Another highlight of the night is their latest campaign "Pencarian Wajah Transfromasi Tea Tree" which will begin on 15th March till 15 May 2014. How to join this campaign? Starting from 1st April 2014, contestant may upload a "Before & After" photo after using Cosmoderm Tea Tree Oil Range (proof of purchase is needed) with a story behind your transformation.
Prizes await the lucky winner!
RM2000 cash
Transformation Package worth RM5000
(Sponsored by Tiar Zainal, F&Z Studio & Saloon, Get Gorgeous Boutique and photo shoot by Dak Teropong)
Winner might be entitled to walk away with the title of 2015 Tea Tree Ambassador
*For more information on the campaign, go to (starting 15th March 2014)
The night continues with 8 course of Chinese cuisine. Oh my gosh that's a lot of food. Honestly by the 3rd meal, I couldn't eat anymore. :P

There were lucky draws and some performances, it was indeed a night of fun, especially if you are with your two cutesy friends Sabrina and Syafiqah. Sorry for the horrible phot, using my front camera of my phone and the lighting was bad. :D
Check out this video for a brief information and testimonials from Tea Tree Oil skincare users!
For more information on Cosmoderm, visit :
Official Website :
Facebook Page :
Till then,
Sabby Prue
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have a great time with Kak Sabby and Sab that night!!
ReplyDeletePika dah try pencuci muka dia and so far best! hehehe :)